Brand Success Tools


How Website Design Can Change The Perceived Image of Your Business

Updated: January 8th, 2021   Christopher DeRuyter

Digital Website Office

If you’re surfing around the web, there’s a likelihood that you’ll come across two types of websites: The first type you visit gives you an inviting positive feeling… Yet the second type you see, triggers you to close the tab as quickly as possible.

Have you ever asked yourself why that happens?

We’ll get to that question in a moment, but before we do, let’s talk about what this following statement actually means for your business. Just ask yourself: “What happens, when you close a website that gives you a negative feeling?”

Easy: That business loses a potential customer, right?

If they would have hooked you with their website design and web copy, there’s a better chance that you might have become a future customer. This is the truth! Their services may be great, but it’s no secret that a business’ weak online presence can hinder its success.

Let’s do a quick comparison to make it easier to understand.

“There are three responses to a piece of design — yes, no, and WOW! Wow, is the one to aim for.” Milton Glaser.

Web Design Comparison: Good vs Bad Website Design Examples

Many people underestimate the psychological effect that a website design creates on us. That’s totally understandable because we never take enough time to consciously think about it. That’s why we are going to give you a visual comparison to illustrate this fact.

Here is the thing: When we think about a website at its simplest form, it’s just a page with a couple of words on it. We buy the domain and the hosting, install a content management system and voilà.

That’s all it is. Put your phone number and business address on it. Maybe some fancy text about your services. Nothing more.

Is that really all?

Well, maybe back in 1999 it would have worked. But nowadays, there are a lot more that goes into website design.

Same Service — Two Different Impressions

Just take a look at these two websites, offering the same service:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is blog-article-image-1-1011x1024.png

How does it make you feel?

Alright, now take a breath. Look outside the window for a second, and turn yours eyes back to the second image:

Alt Text

What you do feel now? What differences do you recognize?

I don’t know about you, but the first thought that came into my mind, is that the second image clearly explains the exact thing they can help with.

Here is a fascinating statistic that explains it all:

“80% of website visitors will read the headline, but only 20% will go through the rest.” — Source.

Even though both businesses may deliver the same quality of work, we have different impressions of them. You can also see that the design isn’t the only thing that has an impact on us… the wording that is used also create different opinions.

What Should Small Business Owners Do?

You probably know that there are a lot of software companies that make it easy to build a website with a drag and drop system. But that only creates disaster if you’re not a website design professional, who also understands the psychological elements that goes into a high-converting website. That’s the goal!

Just a page on the web that doesn’t generate any new business potential, is a waste of money and time. You could spend that amount of effort into your existing customers and product development.

We, at Brand Success Tools, are here to assist you through the whole process. Click the link below to schedule a call with a website design professional. We’re here to help.

Schedule a Call

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